The Knitter's Life List
The Knitter's Life List is a richly illustrated road map to more than 1,000 must-have experiences guaranteed to get any knitter's needles clicking faster. Veteran knitter Gwen W. Steege has canvassed the knitting community to create this inspiring compilation, which includes amazing yarns to try; classic techniques to master; ground-breaking designers to know about; most-loved patterns to knit; knitting-related museums, movies, and books to enjoy; and much more. These are the experiences and events no knitter will want to miss. Novices and masters alike can read about qiviut from the musk ox - and then check it off their list once they've made something with that luxury fiber. They'll explore classic sweater designs and visit the yarn-friendliest cities. They'll discover brave folks who delight in yarn-bombing; master intarsia; and even try spinning, weaving, dyeing, embroidery, and crochet. With all of this irresistible content to devour, knitters will keep coming back for more challenges to take on - and check off from The Knitter's Life List!