Retreat Registration 2020
Our 2019 Retreat was such a success that we've decided to offer another retreat in 2020! This one will be held at the same B & B in Kalamazoo from September 17-20. The B & B is small and intimate, which we really preferred over a larger retreat, so we're going to keep it basically the same. If we run out of rooms at the Inn, there is another one directly across the street that we can work with to accommodate a few more people, but that'll be the limit. Live and learn, and we're no different. Last year's event taught us that in-depth classes are the way to go (with a couple easier classes thrown in for fun), but they'll be held concurrently so participants will choose one new method to really focus on. The in-depth classes will be: Design and knit a scarf or shawl using Swing Knitting; and Design and knit a baby sweater (you can always make an adult-sized sweater later on using the same techniques). For fun classes, we'll make some Thrum mittens and a small entrelac project (we haven't picked it yet, but it's more for the technique than the project). And, of course, there will always be a special "surprise" class thrown in. Retreat is $225. To hold your spot, you'll just need to make a down-payment of $75. The balance isn't due until June 25. Your room is separate, and participants are encouraged to share a room so we can get as many people as possible into the Inn. Room registration information is given when you register. Breakfast and dinner each day are included, except Thursday night when we'll just have everyone bring some dips and dippers. Arrival is Thursday evening, classes on Friday and Saturday (maybe one on Thursday night if everyone arrives in time), then we all depart on Sunday morning. Warning: This is a CASUAL EVENT. Please feel comfortable in jeans, sweats, no makeup, whatever you would normally laze around in. It's a RETREAT - not a formal event. If that means a ball gown, then so be it, but you might feel slightly overdressed... Your choice. You'll get to know everyone there, enjoy laughing with new people, share a glass (or six) of wine, whatever makes you happy. We're not far from downtown, so lunches are particularly nice and easy - you can walk to a number of restaurants or, if you wish, you could drive. Don't want to drive to Kalamazoo? The train stop is only a mile away, and we're happy to make arrangements to come get you. Remember - space is VERY limited, so you'll want to reserve your spot early. This year you can even do it online by clicking on the photo to the left.