Yarn Hero
Yarns > Yarn Brands > Yarn Hero
Yarn Hero began in 2003 under the name Spiral Eye Creations, which was Lynnell’s first adventure in website building using simple html and Dreamweaver 6.0. (Remember rows and tables?) With the help of the new Paypal “Buy Now” button, she began selling her numerous handspun yarns. Later, when she went through a phase of creating hand dyed recycled yarns from thrift store sweaters, she changed the name to Yarn Rescue. Eventually she lost interest in recycling yarn and starting focusing on creating hand-dyed, millspun yarns instead. After several painstaking years of trying to figure out what to rename her business to, Lynnell one day mindlessly doodled a superhero sheep on an envelope while talking on the phone. Hark! Yarn Hero was born.
Yarn Hero began in 2003 under the name Spiral Eye Creations, which was Lynnell’s first adventure in website building using simple html and Dreamweaver 6.0. (Remember rows and tables?) With the help of the new Paypal “Buy Now” button, she began selling her numerous handspun yarns. Later, when she went through a phase of creating hand dyed recycled yarns from thrift store sweaters, she changed the name to Yarn Rescue. Eventually she lost interest in recycling yarn and starting focusing on creating hand-dyed, millspun yarns instead. After several painstaking years of trying to figure out what to rename her business to, Lynnell one day mindlessly doodled a superhero sheep on an envelope while talking on the phone. Hark! Yarn Hero was born.
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