Alpaca Fino
The Spanish writer and missionary, Bernabe Cobo summed it up perfectly in 1653 in his book "History of the New World" when he said "Alpaca, un càlido don de Dios a los Hombres" (Alpaca, a warm gift from God to mankind).
Alpaca fibre has excellent thermal properties and it insulates better than any other wool against cold temperatures. The fibre is hollow enabling it to store body heat when the weather is cold, and allowing your skin to breathe when the weather is warm, making alpaca garments perfect for all year round use. The fibres can absorb approximately 25 percent of their own weight in moisture without feeling damp and then have the ability to wick the moisture away, making it comfortable to wear. It is also very hard wearing, being about three times more tear resistant than sheep's wool. Also, it felts far less than other animal fibres, such as cashmere, making alpaca garments very durable.
The protein molecules that make up the fibre are capable of neutralizing odours, and because alpaca contains hardly any lanolin (wool fat), it is naturally hypoallergenic. Even those with the most sensitive skin can happily snuggle up in a cosy alpaca sweater and not worry about it. Due to the lack of lanolin, alpaca fibres possess antibacterial properties, as bacteria cannot multiply on the surface of the wool. In addition to this, alpaca fleece is much easier to clean and prepare for spinning than sheep fleece, as there is no lanolin to wash away first, thereby saving water and the use of detergents.